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Night Ninja Chase! | Ninjalinos Special | PJ Masks Official

Night Ninja Chase! | Ninjalinos Special | PJ Masks Official

  what ninjalinos information now let's
see it was the best parade leader huh
you don't even have a drum heroes don't
need drums night ninja no when they have
super moves like this come on PJ masks
let's put the feet back in this parade
 ninjalinos already stopped it ninjalinos
Angelenos not yours they're just
following the best beat night ninja oh
these sticky spots will stop your parade
if I can't lead the parade nobody will
parade step turn line up and my Tanya my
drum to lead the parade but I'll still
stop you from breaking it you PJ masks
ruin everything
sorry night ninja but this is in your
parade it's ours get everyone wanted
colorful and fun and that's why we
stopped you you may have stopped me this

but next time it won't be so easy
they're so cute this is fun
great but before we have fun let's get
this indoors and safe somewhere it's
I can use my super Gekko muscles it'll
be more fun if my ninjalinos do it only
I'll call them what do you say it just
looks like fun it's not getting the job
done LX oh just let me enjoy being
leader first odd words my
I didn't mean to snap come on ninja will
be back any moment we should hide the
chariot somewhere safe behind those
crates wait I want to try something fun
first I will attain ease salute
do this now salute your leader that's
not right try again later
you need to salute me properly one two
three go go away at least now we can get
the chariot safe before night ninja
turns up wait we need to find my outlet
teenies first
cat-boy check the Natural History Room
gecko the science room you only think
that gecko we do you see how I really
wanted the lizard kicker I'm stuck with
this useless one unless you wanna swap
this is awesome really awesome
especially if you press here huh
what's going on oh this isn't just any
cake it's a sticky splat whipped cream
cake cake yes when the last icing swirl
turns blue it'll blow whipped cream
everywhere and when everyone tries to
clean it up
nuggets sticky splat stuck that'll teach
her to try and spoil my party
if everyone gets stuck no one will be
able to come to get gos birthday party
I'm sorry gecko this is all my fault I
might have made a mistake but now I have
an idea it's time to be a hero huh time
to blow up my candle PJP dad's doing
wait is that some kind of party game
come on I'm in the gekko-mobile so I win
