Are you alright there is no cat for here
Oh huh
you can't escape yet Oh join us
camouflage looks like the PG passed got
away don't worry he'll be back my best
friends have been turned into bad guys
what am I gonna do
let's see how bad our new villains
really are dark out if I said I was
going to take over the world would you
try and stop me
no I'd help wonderful in that case let's
take over the world but first attempt to
show me you're a true villain I may I
will help as well master
- on my side I might never need again
I quite agree my ninjalinos poor lizard
legs here we go
he's got it covered I've got it to do
this down here anyway no more slapper
unite ninja nothing to worry about
my lovely squad films but when a
mountains got a splat it's got a slapped
what does that mean
do you like enormous volcanic explosions
there's so much slap force a momentum
that it floods the city blizzard legs
has done me a favor I would never
thought of this I'm like
don't worry guys I plugged a fountain
everything's fine
what stuck
gasping geckos I'll break you out no
time you've got to stop this pot before
plugs the city you're right
time for another side of gecko to shine
okay I promise we'll reunite you with
the mallet but I need you to do just one
more thing Master thanks for helping us
we know it's been a long time coming but
here you go
thank you you're welcome
we should probably get the gong back to
the museum before anyone notices hey did
you see the mallets finally reunited
with the gong oh we saw all right we saw
oh I do that now three heroes stepping
what are you ninjalinos waiting for oh
my powers really boom away along with
all the treats
um now which one
oh I hope snuck the wrong meeting under
the city underground Tim come on
let's crash the part
chose this place to be earlier it's damn
and dark pants are wolfy powers are
getting weaker without the light of the
Halloween movie moon there is no
Halloween wolfy moon your four balls
will believe anything you mean we're not
super wool fleece and not whimpering
we're here to celebrate the greatest
Halloween eyes ever yeah let's divide
the goodies I can't believe they managed
to pull this off why don't we do another
ray really your laser it's got nothing
on Miley's
this one give you my new vacuum of doom
is off to a great start
let's see who has the last laugh
Supercuts how are you okay I'm not you
and I will let go after him I'll be
right along
let's try this again super cats
whoa thanks cat boy right on time yeah
good thing you're fast cuz that was a
close one
guys I don't know what's wrong with me
hey I think Romeo stole my superpowers
what do you mean
everything's gone my SuperSpeed my jumps
my stripes everything I'm just a regular
kid in the costume now wriggling
reptiles that's what we Romeo's new
pulse rate was four don't worry I'm sure
there's a way to get your powers back I
hope so I feel so helpless it's like
everything that was cat boy just
vanished just like Romeo not for long
this way hey where's I
my turn
you mean we finally defeated the PJ
pests now I can finally get my crystal
back and go to moon and I'll unlock the
power of mystery Mountain and I'll take
the rates you reprogram PJ robot and
take just will I get out of here we can
help you now lizard lips I wouldn't be
so sure about that
all right I'll distract him Luna girl
I'll need a mega moon bubble night ninja
ready the ice machine well if it isn't
my old friend armadyl n' I was just
saying we could really use you on our
team not a chance
I'm no villain
she's tried to trick us again and take
our hoodies I'm not but my moon power is
amazing I do deserve more nonsense my
ninja tricks were the best semana I
should get the most both we stolen stash
the loot we should get the mostest how
about getting
well you better follow the captain's
orders I said come out Wow wait you
should have seen me I ran him
underground what would you guys do with
that a super brave hero save the day
it's a good thing there was a hero make
that three trying to escape
huh can you see who's that your friends
are on cap boy Gekko it's me
that's Romeo she's in the skies if
you're away why were you in the last
yeah why my cat's whiskers that sure is
a convincing disguise sighs please it's me
she saved us she's the real outlet Rumia
would never do that
I can't believe it's not too late to be
heroes you're right
what would flossy flash do what would I
would let do can you reach the ground
with your cat stripes baby
super cat strike
we'll still be in the cajun PJ robot we
need you here ruin my ninjalino ballet
romeo trick them they're not like that
really rear Heroes fire stinky slap Luna
get your moths to blow it at the buds
your little bone take that furball
kritis our winners the king Vicky right
everyone's favorite yeah
rips going to steal more artifacts we
gotta protect them too she can swipe it
Diplodocus after we protect the greatest
I know ever to stop the earth you go
ahead and save ankle-biter
ankylosaurus fine I'm on it how about
some respect for the wreck this thing is
just a pile of bones my pile of bones so
keep your paws up pity cat good idea
drop it doggy doggy I'm a wolf I'm wild
I'm free and this is my bow that's the
wrong Pteranodon one of the largest
flying animals of all time if I wanted a
lesson I'd go to that boring old rookie
place guys did he do the move right
course you did the run wrong do it again
faster stop back off you can't stop us
who said we were stopping you if you
want to go to the mountain that's okay
just don't do anything bad what other
way up
there you go now remember mystery
mountains for everyone no oh and if
their inner get it smoothly mountain now
I don't think they got the for everyone
bit perfect I want top bunk I mean top
rock I will base ourselves here stop
anyone coming up the path put paw prints
everywhere scare them with our
territorial marking it's another Whoopi
I'll take that one
guys it's just an echo that's a funny
name for a big bad Wolfie no an echo is
when you make a noise and it bounces
back I read it in a what's it called oh
yeah a book well for if ik talking cave
howling cage
I always wanted a pet wolfy bot yeah
come in handy
those must be the controls for our new
wolfy den everyone find a way to lock
the door even if it makes a place go
I'll have a fruit shape make mine
wolfberry strawberry for me
do you have kiwi pineapple choice why
didn't you warn me
the moon's out we go frags and when the
moon's out we do bad stuff hey I like
saying the bad stuff you said it last
night my turn now
I miss my turn last time right Kevin
Kevin hey guys I can't remember
what's your problem
France cat my problem you wrecked my art
project for my comics ruin my playground
that sure is a kitty with his whiskers
catboy pj masks
in a twist every kid in the city's upset
why did you do this uh cuz we're the
best Wolf Pack ever we do what we want
take what we want this leg up is art
it's whole town is ours yeah that's why
we mess it up cuz it's fun for us and no
fun for anyone else kitty cat cart
activate the remote control on a cat car
remote control the vehicles before by
not when they're being driven superfast
by wolves I guess it is fun being a good
Wolfie now and again what are you doing
with lizard legs you're supposed to get
more paint not have a plate
no berries come on dude I don't wanna be
a bad Whoopie all the time whatever
tonight Kevin we've told you
wolfies are bad it's all that hanging
catboy pj masks
out with lizard legs he's gone for Jabba
no he's not always about messing stuff
up hmm it actually is I want to be my
own Wolfie sometimes I want to be a bit
good too
why does no such thing as a good Wolfie
that's nobody at all you're in or you're
out Kevin fine
come on Haller no fee at all
that was weird yeah Tonya's place where
poverty ever
super-high placed spoon don't you think
cap wolfies rule we've got to stop these
yeah but what about Kevin hey why the
long fur
we're a rippin howler I'm out of the
pack I tried to be a good wolfy
but ripping out leur said I couldn't be
you did the right thing by sticking up
for yourself I'm calling you tonight up
here save some ninjas bloody action for
me okay actually Nate niggas gone Oh we
think he's called it a night - aye you
did your bit Coast ninjalinos were
definitely up to something they were
just fooling around and I've spent the
night fooling around - instead of
but bouncing miss Beauty right on to the
museum itself no one will be able to get
inside but no chairs they'll be too busy
admiring the most amazing actor battery
catboy from pj masks Oh ninja a big fancy sounds bad
the museum is gonna that sounds worse
it's all my fault
catboy pj masks
you were right I was wrong and don't
worry just get down here and we'll fix
it together sounds like we're gonna need
your gecko strength there's no time
don't all the way down that mountain and
now it's time for those super Gekko
she's so special clapping about wait
till she meets the flying no fees so I
how high maybe we'll get extra werewolf
powers straight from the moon
whoa fantastic but wait that's really
are you sure it's safe that you to find
out if it works don't want anything bad
to happen to the wolfy genius here can I
stop being chase now yeah it's like this
time okay PJ's the wolfy's won't be
showing their faces around here for a
long time
those feathers are mine you can't use
them against me wolfies rule if you're
so amazing how come you weren't flying
yourself Jarret of heights don't like
the wind blowing feather phobia
now we've got a rescue mission rescue
the wolffish for the city
gasping geckos rip your mess this one up
catboy from pj masks
catboy pj masks
catboy pjmasks
pj masks catboy
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