Transcription :
what was that
it's so big
so scaly so so I know uh-huh
it's just my cute little buddy little
recognize my Romeo brand of pet treats
thanks for getting lionel hooked on my
biggie twos messing with the lizards
treats extra tasty but there's a little
side effect
well gigantic actually what are you up
to Romeo I'm going to feed my piggy
shoes patent pending to every patent the
city gigantic arena you'll never get
away with it you always say that
ah welcome my furry friends and allow me
to introduce you to my incredible
that never happened okay now where was I
oh yes hahaha I'm so clever so that's
why he's stealing everyone's cuddle ease
to turn them all into Romeo dolls no
what was that cat boy I said let's hide
behind them all by a lab and take him by
great idea we've got to stop him let's
go that's what I probably call him if he
was mine which of course he isn't
oh no no stop
never every child will have their very
own Romeo to cuddle which means you'll
all grow up loving me no good cuddling
Napper quick he's getting away
it's time to be a hero cat boy forget it
it's too late what kind of hero has a
cuddly anyway actually I do
he's called Lionel junior me too mine's
called Lady Wigglesworth or she was
until Romeo got hold of her
he got your cuddly stew I didn't want to
say anything in case I looked like a
baby me too
oh man look at us if we hadn't been so
worried about looking silly our cuddlies
would still be here what do we do now we
get them back you're right it's time to
be a hero
it's over Romeo oh go home cat boy or
I'll tell everyone about you and your
precious mr. meow go ahead but if you
mess with him you mess with me in me
meet it now all we have to do is put it
in reverse
Oh Lionel jr. the Wigglesworth oh no
boom you in two places that's not
actually possible seeing things grandma
she that's why you saw him in two places
you were both right well both wrong
and what do you know with my everyone's
moon I let it happen
I was so busy fighting I walked into a
trap I shouldn't have got you worked up
I got myself worked up but it's over now
come on we're doing this together
nice slow me on to HQ and crunch it
that's no cookie and it's not gonna
happen time to be a hero silly machine
is still pausing things I need to fix
this glitch
wriggling reptiles did you see that
Romeo snapping things into rewind
but why let's find out there that should
do it
stop Romeo
no pets away while I work out the
glitches on my remote yes master
too slow but nice try
did he just rewind us oh I most
certainly did faster with this remote
I can rewind anything I like then why
are we paused oh yes I was hoping you
wouldn't notice it's just a tiny glitch
and I've almost got it fixed uh-huh
once it's done everyone you so far back
you'll be babies then you won't have an
ax to become PJ master what you know
never to interrupt my evil laugh
oh yes thank you I have anything to do
about it and how exactly will you do
that if I rewind you
oh no good Romeo come on let's go back
and take him down
uh-uh that's what got us into trouble in
the first place
why'd you jump in so fast yeah there was
no plan you just charged in and now
we're back where we started we've got to
stick together
Romeo was going to zap that cat I had to
do something
now let's go Romeo
nobody trashes my friends no way oh come
on you silly remote
what are you doing this is not what we
meant by sticking together time to
rewind you back to where you came from
PJ pests just like a PJ mess
just one more try guys I promise I'll
get it right this time
no rushing in hasn't helped we need to
think of another way to tackle Romeo
Ella let's write we never had to deal
with a rewind Oh thingy before no time
if he fixes his machine we're really in
trouble let's go
Oh what's the use
glitcher no glitch I'm no match for that
remote huh you're just too smart for me
really I mean yes I am
it's hard being an evil genius you know
super Gekko camouflage of all the
villains we faced I always thought you
were the best do you hear that robot yes
but shouldn't we stop you finish fixing
the remote stop interrupting no then cat
boy you were saying just how clever you
are I mean this rain winery is amazing
wait a minute
you're awfully chatty where are your PJ
pals super owl wings
I've got your master guide now way
better ain't funnier than just rushing
in finally
I'll take that
Jake Oh heads up
what just happened we used her rewind
array against you and beat you at your
own game
ooh you win this time PJ masks wait I
want to hear that again PJ masks hey
stop that
hurry robot any sign of the wrecking
ball nope he just finished how does
something that big just vanish chuckles
right there's got to be some kind of
to the cat-car
I think we found it
what's going on whatever it is we can
handle it
Romeo figures what's with the wrecking
ball Romeo I think you mean giant
pinball really I mean it's not like we
haven't heard out a zillion times before
yeah there isn't anything you can throw
at us that we can't handle
good luck we'll enter the city into the
biggest fattest most destructive twin
ball machine ever
then it'll be game over PJ pests
how you give me a lift
now set me down right on the wrecking
ball you stop this one I'm going to help
gecko it's just you and me let's tangle
super Gekko muscles
o'kiku uh-huh just a little dizzy maybe
we were wrong about being able to handle
anything that's one ball down
Jekel again backspin it's gonna take
some time to build back up we don't have
time the polls are closing in on us
Gekko sink HQ you've got it
take us down now
now let's rock it out of here last stop
now let's show those PJs show-offs
they're not so smart collect a third
reckon whoa and activate the pinball
slingshot as you wish master
it's those PJ pests think they can blast
aware of this they are sorely mistaken
phew that was close that was quick
thinking hey boy
don't look now but somehow there's a
flying pin ball headed right for us
in five four I don't suppose you have
any cool tricks up your sleeve do you
deco fire the thrusters maximum power
outlet ain't them at the wrecking ball
you got
my plan was foolproof
it's a PJ balance it's run this is all
because of my council of machine I'm a
you may have invented the machine but
I'm the one who's gonna dastardly plans
not as good as I am now give me back my
machine no I'm just as good at being bad
as you are you're a small-time MySuper
Linda Reno's can't be beat you're been
of minimis art as good as my robot
your plan master yes
what everyone wakes up and steps outside
good thing I invented super heavy boots
so we can stay grounded we heard you say
it was a super robot controller part of
my plan as was my mini but so cute
adorable I knew you'd want to keep him
so I felt a pretend controller and
waited for you
no comeback
she's gone geckos I'm sorry you would
have been the best BJ robot ever we
couldn't save the day
controlling him hey BJ robot
Geko we were counting on you I'm sorry
it's just look at him don't you think
it's amazing till those eyes that tongue
those scales maybe it's just a lizard
thing it won't happen again I've
promised to serve and protect all
carnival floats everywhere come on we
can still catch them how the owl gliders
out we'll take the floats that way we
can look after them at the same time
I'll take the wrapping only because it's
closest PJ robot we need you
what do you want with him anyway Oh
Romeo where you two doing together
working on my most evil plan ever these
devices transform the floats into evil
robot floats controlled by my mind
my new robot will patrol the streets and
scare everyone
no one will dare leave their house I've
always dreamt of being a salty sea dog
spreading ninja tricks and pirate
badness so what if I can see sick and
turn green up the smell of the sea what
do you want Romeo I want to trick your
PJ pal
I'm going to be the new craze Oh
that doesn't sound like something flossy
flash how can they be falling for this
why don't you use your allies oh yeah
and what's wrong with your voice
I'll get you down
what is it
will he be brave enough to follow the
great Romeo of the deep tear go inside
us hey which makes my plan to build
robotic what's underwater even more
genius I know I caught it
here goes nothing
what is this place
oh my tentacle master of the deep well I
guess that showed him huh oh come on I
sure even one heck of a bone
Michael one minute tentacles everywhere
then next gone what you do down there uh
it was kinda by accident
you really think a little tentacle
stretching would make me abandon my plan
just a distraction so I could take your
vehicles now that I've got those
nothing can stop me from taking
oh my moon my poor poor moon what is
going on down there
let's find out set us down outlet
where's that crater there last time
that's no crater somebody made that hole
what's that cattiness something's
digging down there show up Romeo that
was you blasting into space yes I simply
added a few rocket boosters to my laven
I'm here to dig up a lunar crystal so I
can superpower all my gadgets and take
oh looks like Romeo's got a new gizmo
and it looks like troubles to the tap
another ray really your laser it's got
nothing on my laser
did not run this one did you my new
vacuum of Doom is off to a great start
we'll see who has the last laugh super
cats come on how are you okay I'm hot
you went out let go after him I'll be
right along
super cats powers I care about
are you okay cowboy I'm fine but I'm no
good to you anymore I'm no longer a PJ
masks what are you talking about you
saved me and I will let earlier even
without your powers no matter what
there's still the incredible cowboy and
we need you to stay strong for the team
for us you're right just because I don't
have powers doesn't mean I should let
Romeo get away with this follow me
hang on guys catapult
super cat jump man Thank You forgeting I
can't do that anymore side enough PJ
masks uh-huh now it's our turn
ha ha good luck stopping me ok you asked
for it let's show our friend what it's
like to be in control of your
I'm showing you how are you
hey I'm right here
how did you guys learn to do all that
practice you see we all have different
powers so we learned how to use them in
the best way possible so just keep
practicing because with practice you get
control I got it
that was pretty cool maybe I do have a
thing or two to learn we'd be happy to
help big guy
thanks but right now I have something to
take care of huh it's about time Julie
knows we're out here I've seen enough of
this aardvark of Dillon for one night I
think that's the last bit of mess I made
CRO PJ masks I think got through to him
I hope so I'd sure hate for him to be a
bad guy PJ masks that's mine Romeo put
that down
you have no idea how powerful that
crystal is oh what'd I do
great my own little crystal has turned
against me everybody
nice going genius careful Romeo that
crystals dangerous wrong setting
wait that's not stinky gasping geckos
forget it Romeo give the crystal to us
we'll keep it safe don't listen to him
give it to me go after them with your
monster once so do as I say you peewee
robot it makes your Luna girl dr. Phil
great see PJ real plot
PJ's always sniff me out you need too
many clues Romeo what are you doing here
this is our boat is it now well on my
last trip to my I mean your boat I found
some of this green stuff what is it God
weed my nosy nemesis power pod weed to
be precise huh
doesn't look powerful to me don't knock
it this stuff gets it's amazing energy
from the crystal that powers me when
your precious ain't cute that's why it
grows here impressed now you just made
that up
PJ robot did you get that by my cat's
whiskers he checks out didn't you see
the mess my super powered lab makeup
there and this is my ingenious pond weed
power tool I can tap master I do not
like your pond weed ray of entrapment
oh this pond weed is big you haven't
seen anything yet
deep deep in the moat a giant patch
escrowed I'm going to get it oh you'll
have to get past the master the deep
first and that's exactly why I've got
to grab your scaly pet I am sorry the
little lizard was so mentally at least
you managed to throw these pesky PJs off
the set with your husky howl simulated
bumbling after those furry fools are
listening and heard all about its in
peace we've stopped wolves soars top
boar well stop it again really I've made
a genius we have to stop it it could
destroy the whole city I knew it wasn't
the wolf he's behind all this and we
should have given you time instead of
just leaping in what is it Lionel of
course what's the best way to stop a big
lizard with a bigger lizard I know that
it's flossy flash ha that's no forget I
was getting to that part as I take who's
gonna stop me a tiny cat boy action
they're safely tucked away enjoy your
new home boy come on robot anteater
friend how could we you've fallen for
this we're so focused on getting our
power back we didn't see what was going
on around us I know that they tried to
take our powers too but maybe if we help
them they'll help us we've still got
some of our powers time to be zero
The Pajama kids helped us
that's what I call an escape yes master
how many tricks on yeah get me that
remote okay okay okay here it is
regular rollercoaster speed time for
some real fun at the fair
nice work team thanks for the help
sure we did I'm a total hero well you
did set us free better than my ma what's
that do I'm glad you asked I call it the
opposite brave it switches people's
for example bad guys become good and
good guys become bad
wait so you don't really want to be
friends after all well
yeah boy are you alright there is no cat
for here huh
you can't escape gecko join us simply
looks like the PG passed got away
don't worry he'll be back
Romeo my best friends have been turned
into bad guys what am I gonna do
you're better new villains we are.
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