Motsuki and Me | PJ Masks Official
there's Luna and she's crying
Luna are you all right they said they
were bored of me and that I was too bad
even for them well you can be kind of
glad don't cry you can make up with them
they said it was too late for that
well maybe make new friends Wow
nobody likes me it's the bad things you
do we don't like not you I don't want to
be bad anymore she's okay she's even
helped us sometimes we'll be your
friends seriously can I come and hang
out at HQ with you
I never thought I'd actually be invited
here I don't think this is a good idea
I'll keep an eye on her promise
OOP it's not all bad cowboy not all bad
she tried to make us statues in her Moon
Palace but she's totally plans working
Matsu key to the moon isn't my acting
amazing real tears I should be on this
date hello PJs were you laughing only
because I'm so happy
give the girl a break want to see my
room Luna oh that would be awesome
the bad guys are working together it's
like three nine years in one comin PJ
that's what I call a bright idea they're
still not letting this go I've got an
idea on my mom
one two three
thanks out Willett and thanks to PJ
dog scribed all of our treats
Halloween's cavernous here if I can
break out of a sticky web and scary
ghost then I can get back our goody bags
we're the ones running around doing all
the work
Camryn only thinks he's a hero well no
one's going to be a hero if we don't
stop those Knight villains we've got to
focus the wolfy's sounds like they're
somewhere in the park come on come on
we've gotta find somewhere to stash the
goodie bags already done guys I put them
in a super secret hiding place cool
where is it ah it's so secret I forgot
where it is come on
thank heaven well I made up a rhyme to
remind me no I just need to remember
what it is
whoo sounds like root so the treats must
be under the treaty was never met with
our super smell great idea Mizuki I'll
turn off the Moonbeam and leave him
stranded in space
Oh cowboy do you read nice cowboy
Oh Oh gotta stay ahead of this Moonbeam
meet me it wasn't the best idea to go
I'll let Gekko if you can hear me I'm
sorry I failed you
thanks PJ robot that was close you stay
here and wait for my signal
okay have let Gekko do you read me I'm
outside the fortress
come in I guess whenever it's all hot to
key to do something she won't
Watsuki drink your milk Sookie Betty
babysitting before what am I doing wrong
whoa she's not a baby so don't treat her
like one I don't like being treated
younger than I am Watsuki welcome to my
HQ can I get you a drink
Oh must Sookie drink milk please oh sure
and if you feel tired please feel free
to relax feel sleepy Sookie Ross wow you
did it just don't treat her like a baby
rock-a-bye baby on the treetop Sookie
wait what do you mean I think I should
stay here to make sure Luna girl doesn't
take anything go without me oh we're
teen this is one of those times where we
have to split up you and I let go after
Luna girl Kat boys right there's no way
we could stop her from here then we
better hurry I'm on it good luck boy
oh don't not on my watch I hope I made
the right choice to go it alone cuz this
isn't gonna be easy
come on guys you gotta shut that newbie
down you can do it
I didn't count on the PG splitting up
you're right I can use that to my
advantage and I will
it's like a super-sized magic magnet
teach you shut it down get go I'll try
I hope cowboy doesn't mind if I use his
very convincing
doesn't sound like something flossy
flash would do how can they be falling
for this
why don't you use your allies what's
wrong with your voice
and take our hoodies I'm not but my moon
power is amazing I do deserve more
nonsense my ninja tricks were the best
so momma I should get the most both we
stolen stash the loom we should get the
mostest how about getting none these
belong to the trick-or-treaters
it's lizard boy you peas are spoiling
the fun so only my goodie bag for you
happy Halloween
those guys will never learn
it's that space boy he's come back to
get us it's captain Cameron and I have
you surrounded
give up the goody bags
well you better follow the captain's
orders I said come out Wow wait you
should have seen me I ran them
underground what would you guys do
without a super brave hero saved a
captain it's a good thing there was a
hero make that three so you don't mind
they'll never know that we're the real
heroes yeah cuz when it's time to be a
hero all that matters is doing the right
thing now let's check out our drinks
I'll be right along
let's try this again super cats
whoa thanks cat boy right on time yeah
good thing you're fast cuz that was a
close one
guys I don't know what's wrong with me
hey I think Romeo stole my superpowers
what do you mean
everything's gone my SuperSpeed my jumps
my stripes everything I'm just a regular
kid in the costume now wriggling
reptiles that's what we're on Meow's new
pulse rate was four don't worry I'm sure
there's a way to get your powers back I
hope so I feel so helpless it's like
everything that was cat boy just
vanished just like Romeo not for long
took over each cute no wait don't put
their paws all over our things
oh yeah
those must be the controls for our new
movie everybody until I find a way to
lock the door even if it makes the place
go kablammo
Oh fruit shake make mine wolfberry
strawberry for me
you have Kiwi pineapple
when the moon's up when the moon's out
we grow frags and when the moon's out we
do bad stuff hey I like saying the bad
stuff you said it last time my turn now
I miss my turn last time right Kevin
Kevin hey guys I can't remember
what's your problem
France dad my problem you wrecked my art
project for my comics ruin my playground
that sure is a kitty with his whiskers
in a twist every kid in the city's upset
why did you do this uh cuz we're the
best Wolf Pack ever we do what we want
take what we want this playground is
ours it's whole town is ours yeah that's
why we mess it up right rip cuz it's fun
for us and no fun for anyone else
kitty cat card
activate the remote control the vehicles
before they're being driven super fast
by whoa you took our car it's my car oh
yeah I think my everything
I guess we got you cat car back what
about the gekko-mobile in the owl-glider
what about the whole city they're
wrecking it you're right I was just
thinking of myself I guess that makes me
a bit movie too
we've gotta get hold of that tail that
way which will slow them down but your
cat car will get tangled too
guys did he do the move right course you
did the run wrong do it again faster
stop back off you can't stop us who said
we were stopping you if you want to go
to the mountain that's okay
just don't do anything bad other way up
there you go
now remember mystery mountains for every
100 and if they're in our game it's
poufy Mountain now
I don't think they got the for every one
bit perfect I want top bunk
I mean top rock I will base ourselves
here stop anyone coming up the path put
paw prints everywhere scare them with
our territorial marking it's another
whoopee I'll take that one
guys it's just an echo that's a funny
name for a big bad Wolfie no an echo is
when you make a noise and it bounces
back I read it in a what's it called oh
yeah a book well ferritic talking cave
time for some trickery of our own no
studies eggs aren't yours
Finders Keepers and now I have them oh
well not all of them we have much better
treats at HQ dare you to come knocking
I don't do trick-or-treat I hear it can
take okay get ready guys operation
scared air is a go well let's have a
doorbell Trick or Treat smell my feet
give me something good to eat or else
I don't even know Milan powers
I can't even house mukha ghosts
all right everyone's got their goody
bags back and how we can relax and have
some Halloween fun oh yeah you and what
she's tried to trick us again and take
our hoodies I'm not but my moon power is
amazing I do deserve more nonsense my
ninja tricks were the best so I should
get the most both we stolen stash the
loot we should get the mostest how about
getting none these belong to the
trick-or-treaters it's lizard boy stop
UPG czar spoiling the fun so only make
goodie bag for you happy Halloween it's
that space boy he's come back to get us
it's captain Cameron and I have you
give up the goody bags
well you better follow the captain's
orders I said come out Wow
you should have seen me I ran home
underground what would you guys do was
that a super brave hero save it it's a
good thing there was a hero make that
three she's so special clapping about
wait till she meets the flying no fees
will go so high how high
maybe we'll get extra werewolf powers
straight from the moon whoa fantastic
but wait that's really high
are you sure it's safe you to find out
if it works don't want anything bad to
happen to the Wolfie genius here can I
stop being chase now yeah it's like this
okay PJ's the wolfy's won't be showing
their faces around here for a long time
those feathers are mine you can't use
them against me wolfies rule if you're
so amazing how come you aren't flying
yourself here to fight don't like the
wind blowing feather phobia
now we've got a rescue mission rescue
the wolfy board the city gasping geckos
rapture mess this one up
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