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Gekko Babysitter | PJ Masks Official

Hello Kids !

So let's see the new Episode of Pj Masks :)

Thank you I found you okay playtime's over let's buckle up and go back to HQ this is Romeo's greatest plan ever what's this do Hey
what did I tell you don't touch anything
oh come on guys
you're superheroes not two-year-olds I'm
three one two three here you go they'll
be good okay I've got to figure out how
to stop Romeo by myself

hey no drawing on the walls when you get
down from there this instant that's it
we're taking a timeout

it's okay don't cry you want to play
fine gecko again what's my baby beam is
fixed lizard won't know what hit no kept
me down down that's excuse alarm Oh
Romeo's on his way if he stops me he'll
rule the world with his army of babies
unless who wants to play superhero I do
Pete a robot called me he was doing
something with the picture players there
was some kind of crystal crystal maybe
that's why we lost our powers because of
something he did robots done

there's no way in its lost power the
doors don't work
hey robot wait cat-boy he tried to call
me remember whatever he was doing she
was trying to help you think so he's
starting to help he tried to drag the
cat car and you tried to make my walkie
better too

robot robot energy is really low he ran
his battery down to open the door he
sacrificed himself to save us like a
true PJ masks would hate a robot
whispers the crystal I saw earlier okay
don't worry I got this beautiful
whatever it is it seems to have
something to do with our powers I can't
do it let's try it together
we can do this we're still two PJ masks
eg robot didn't see that coming
luckily I did get in these guys are
doing moon magnet tricks not even a
lunar girl would have thought oh we need
to think like a whoopee and what does
everybody want to go to the moon I know
I'll buy us to the moon now they're
hooked we can plan wherever we want
like that's HQ to take care of them

they've been a handful ever since Wonder
Girl gave them her moon magnet you're
right which makes me wonder why she gave
it to them
he's a robot show me the museum now I
wonder how those pj phonies are getting
on with their wild wolf chase huh it's
given me enough time to decide what to
steal the whole museum with my backup
moon crystal back up moon crystal that's
how she made the bubble anthem you see
you how does this fit in with your plan
or what it doesn't
I didn't plan for that you can't plan
for everything you can say that again
but you don't have to plan for
everything not on your own we're a team
right right oh hey guys what's up uh you
ran off that's what's up look huh
not this time yeah we're not falling for
that again

ah welcome my furry friends and allow me
to introduce you to my incredible

faster never happened okay no where was
I oh yes hahaha I'm so clever so that's
why he's stealing everyone's cuddle ease
to turn them all into Romeo dolls no
what was that cat boy uh I said let's
hide behind them all by a lab and take
him by surprise
great idea we've got to stop him let's
go here you go your new home
he really does seem to like us he can
help us out around HQ cats me practice
seeing all these pictures huh he's never
seen stuff like this school the part HQ
amazing right

here's us heading out to see the day I
really likes that one where'd it get
this the picture player memory files

doesn't just want to help us he wants to
be one of us

I shall obey your commands master gecko
what are you doing where's little robot
special pj colors
a picture player checking out three
vehicles exploring HQ exploring HQ what
if Romeo gets control of him again now
we got the robot controller

the other way guys will cut them off

the coast is clear you're on now let's
blow away cotton your own web I'll take
those but where's night ninja I just
love Halloween
are we having fun yet taking goody bags
isn't fun night ninja the saying goes
welcome to the trick part the goody bags
disappear one by one until you have good
luck with that we just got them back Oh

sounds like your friends are in trouble
better go save them chop-chop

okay captain Cameron let's hit light
speed jet not ghost

it's no ghost and she's going after the
rest of the goody bags cover me I've got
this I can feel my powers coming back
take them back to HQ that way we all get
them power the crystal PJ robot don't
you know your beef owned by the greatest
of all time it's my hands robot now it's
time for the real fun to begin first

work first

hi my cat stripes are back guys
great uh where is everyone ah that's a
bit tight safety first I guess I still
don't get where everyone went
are we going faster

you tricked us

he's making extra arm parts with this
stuff he really is like an octopus


slithering serpents that's dark
you're the one to deep water now lizard
legs follow them in I guess I should I
would let in cat boy you're counting on
me up there nice idea
you know maybe they should be even
brighter return to surface essential
mechanical work requires

hey didn't expect you back so soon
something wrong yeah oh good master the
deeps got it under control
speech a robot just gotta brighten up
those headlights
remember robots help me take over the
world yeah that's another reason I came
back up to tell you robots grabbing
everything metal and turning them into
squiggly arms squiggly arms all this
destruction has got to stop our medellín
Julie must be a hero I'm already a hero
and it's time to keep Romeo a lesson
Decco I've got an idea

I've got this I have my moments

partner what to give it another try

I don't think so Romeo you see I'm a
hero like the PJ masks hey you messed
with the wrong hero consider yourself a

robot what would I do without you let us
see master you find out he can see
everything from up here

how many players are there don't worry I
got it sorry sport
I'm not going anywhere you're definitely
not going anywhere not yet ready
let's get sneaky splatty no up here you
can see all the streets all the players
we haven't got a chance
huh you got that right

I'm sorry guys I tried my best but I've
met my match but we've got to stop them
they're splatting everything yeah I
we can't win without you nice flower oh
thanks yeah I mean it I really like it
I thought you PJ's didn't want us
painting all over the place you're not
painting all over the place you're
painting on a piece of paper that's
totally ok see cool trees that's why you
don't like rippin howlers game isn't it
cuz they like messing things up but you
like painting I guess you're a good
movie maybe sometimes no I can't be
ripping out or say wolfies can't be good
well how could a bad Wolfie paint
anything as nice as that I want to paint

here thank you for how much fun I've had
painting with you come on Kevin that was
fun who would have thought a wolf and a
lizard could have such a good time yeah
maybe we should make this guy a lizard
wolf I guess it is fun being a good
Wolfie now and again what are you doing
with lizard legs you're supposed to get
more paint not have a blade

no berries come on dude I don't want to
be a bad Wolfie all the time I've never
seen cowboy and I will let work against
each other must have something to do
with being villains I'm unbeatable
I don't think so straight wait what are
you doing come on guys it's me
we're friends remember friends more like
super enemies uh-huh
just the opposite we're super friends
well well well it seems my opposite rays
beginning to wear off maybe you all need
a little refresher
hooray for master

come on opposite ray Wow thanks captain
smartypants but I think we're fine now
but those vast cold night Panther and
dark owl are still on the loose this is
getting really weird don't need em feed
em huh okay super buddy let's take these
villains down um okay why not hey
Panther we've got company let's get him

not flaring feathers what'll we do now
hiren can't see us in action stand by
and wait for my signal what do you think
you're doing with our dirty bags well
they're just costumes you can do this
here captain Cameron huh don't make me
unleash my super tornado space kick on
you you're a new superhero
yeah I'm captain Cameron intergalactic
superhero from outer space no autographs
I'm on a mission Oh
have you been to the moon not yet yeah
it's been a busy night now if you'll
excuse me I've got a speed dash out of
here ooh ooh
Chicka Chicka Chicka Chicka choo choo
he's no hero

oh I do that now being heroes stepping
what are you ninjalinos waiting for
Christmas all right my powders really
boom away along with all the treats
come on it'll be fun
hey night emmalin's on the move across
the city super awesome
karma doing squat to might just watch
villains in the night that's not how our
cheer goes we saved the day

I called my

tonight's PJ Patrol I'll take that's
taste test you for PJ masks
your new sidekicks taking over

but then you won't be able to see it too

where is it going
during it a lot that's from the museum
to so much ah
no sure it does
look at those graceful spreadsheets I
think of the skill and teach defensive
lines he's gonna splat everything
bouncing your school visit that boring
Museum you'll all come and admire the
that sounds like a horrible class trip
don't worry we got this I'm in the zone
right you fly after them I will let
cowboy you run out

it's tree mountain they're going there
it's all part of the plan but the
splatting is that away how'd you know
it's a plan because I heard it heard
what Natan into saying plan that could
mean anything

they're definitely up to something on
the mountain you've got to go after them
me but we need me to run after the
splats I will let's go to tackle a ninja
in the sky that curves you for finding
out what those ninja needles are up to
okay I guess slithering serpents they
get to follow the villain while I get to
follow these sidekicks I'll pull them
off course again with my owl wing wing
I'll carry all those big bouncy blobs
with my super Gekko muscles
I'm just as super as they are if only
these things were in my way huh what if
I add my cat speed to bouncing that make
an amazing move maybe my superest one
yet we know you're super you don't need
to prove it sorry I was testing out my
new moves
it's super

it's a PJ balance it's run this is all
because of my bouncing luck machine I'm
a genius you may have invented the
machine but I'm the one who's gonna
dastardly plans not as good as I am at
least I don't have any trouble finding
him right he's to surrender huh we'll
never surrender for a crime we didn't
check this out hmm those naughty ninjas
I will bring them to justice
not so fast first we've got to figure
out why they did it
wait what if night ninja staged the
robbery Dickie was so busy to distract
us yeah so we can do whatever I wanted
without any of us getting in his way
or maybe night ninja figure he can do
whatever he wants without any hero
getting in his way didn't I just say
that come on let's go catch some bad
karma - in style how about we go for the
less destructive flossy flash style the
greatest ninja ever and how exactly are
you planning to move it even I'm not
strong enough to look fat that's cuz you
do not need your fingers watch as we
move that silly HQ out of the way and
replace it with my special

comics you guys distract night ninja I'm
gonna try and get him away from the gong
when I do
cowboy you speed in and snatch it you
got okay

those pesky peaches up to doesn't matter
they're no match for my dragon gum

you call that wind prepare to be blown
away by dragon breath

thanks gecko nice catch
no problem getting that mallets not easy
what are we gonna do just one more
command little problems to take care of
don't worry ninjalino I'm never getting
a smiley back ever he's never going to
reunite her with the mallet that poor
dragon she'll never be free now don't
worry I'll get that salad don't like it
when he does that


Thanks I call it my super swoop pretty
sweet huh this is fun what's the next
clue some kind of ninja treasure map it
just Starbucks the spot better find it
before the ninjalinos rekt the city my
Owings do come in handy
or should I say wings
ninjalinos don't even look like they're
trying to solve the clues yeah they're
just following us gotta cheat to beat us

yay second treasure one more that's the
last clue is that code no it's
instructions for origami that's the
Japanese art of folding paper into
things he just pulled a 2 B 2 C and it's
a dragon I know where the last treasure
might be the museum but you're no match
against my lizard shield um's
the sonic vibration device
don't worry aunty feather wind machine
it's the ultimate power belt folks
you beat our new powers but they're so
cool so you keep saying
and so I keep hearing from my little spy
bods it recorded everything the new
powers PT robot helped during the night
oh you're bragging helped me come up my
greatest that's low isn't it I had robot
in action after that powerless I can't
believe it
with my music to my ears
you may call me that yet

come on boy persistent easy sweet
Oh robot is please ah
who doesn't like a cuddle cat tree huh
cat boy
are you okay don't worry guys I've got a
plan here that he's got a man first you
were saying we don't understand
don't worry cat boy we'll find a way to
change you back I don't like the sound
of that master you said I could keep the
kitty cat toy robot then I'll crush the
animal Metamorpho raid so nobody can
take him that's a terrible idea
why would you destroy the animal
Metamorpho ray when I need its transform
everyone it's a pest because master the
PJ masks always defeat you I wouldn't
say that is why I must crush it to keep
my precious kitty back
did you hear that robots gonna break the
animal race we've gotta save cat boy
before it's too late
we welcome
no I must press the ray gun to protect
kitty cat boy we should go see about
that I have an idea
super cat space

I see on using your SuperSpeed to create
a vibration to craft the crystal that's
the idea
too bad we can't make these chambers
touch who says we can't super Gekko

my loyal subjects will have to wait

to the ship we've got to get back to
I hope PJ robot was able to fix the ship
I really want to go home wait what do
you mean bigger problem
take a guess lizard boy quick split up
that won't help you your powers don't
work the same on the moon remember she's
right we've got to do something I'm
switching off my gravity boots good idea
I may not be as fast on the moon but
I've got a few tricks up my sleeve

oh please you'll have to do better
there's gnat lizard boys we've got to
protect every float yeah use your
strength to pull them in a circle will
defend them together

HECO we were counting on you I'm sorry
it's just look at him don't you think
it's amazing to those eyes that tongue
those scales maybe it's just a lizard
thing it won't happen again I've
promised to serve and protect all
carnival floats everywhere come on we
can still catch them how the owl gliders
out we'll take the floats that way we
can look after them at the same time
I'll take the Laughing only because it's
PJ robot we need here

what do you want with him anyway Oh
Romeo what are you two doing together
working on my most evil plan ever these
devices transform the floats into evil
robot floats controlled by my mind
You are now in the first article
