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Motsuki's Tricks | PJ Masks Official

 Motsuki's Tricks | PJ Masks Official

luna what are you doing here lizard boy
i need your help
with this
won't go in come in
i guess
whenever i tell matsuki to do something
she won't

matsuki drink your milk
see you've done babysitting before what
am i doing wrong
well uh she's not a baby so don't treat
her like one
i don't like being treated younger than
i am matsuki
welcome to my hq can i get you a drink
musuki drink milk please uh
sure and if you feel tired please feel
free to relax
hmm sleepy
rest wow you did it
just don't treat her like a baby
rock-a-bye baby on the treetops
when the wind grows
thanks for showing me around mystery
mountain and you
i know let's go to the top first
we can pull some cool martial arts moves
in the sunrise
do not be so eager before you climb this
ancient summit you must first
hear the bamboo forest sure
i hear it let's go
almost there open up fine
but before we enter we must feel the
mystical powers that flow through these
