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PJ Masks CARTOON: Stop that Villain!

  PJ Masks CARTOON: Stop that Villain!

     PJ Masks CARTOON: Stop that Villain!

  so that's who's behind this
yeah definitely Romeo how dare you take
over the museum what are you up to Romeo
my labs battery needs to be charged and
it's taking forever so I've decided to
use the museum as my base well I
finished my big box of good big box of
bad exactly when it's finished it'll
turn the whole city into town I thought
you were calling it Romeo Poulos I
haven't decided yet
forget it Romeo we're coming inside I'm
putting an end to your plan oh I don't
think so
you see I booby-trapped the entire
museum there's no way you're getting it
here Oh we'll see about that
Oh cake echo I'm fine but I'll be even
better once we're inside yes oh you
heard Romeo the entire museum is
booby-trapped maybe getting insides not
the answer but getting inside is the
only way to stop him what if instead of
us trying to get inside we try to get
outside I think I know just the thing
Romeo can you help me please
what is it much better now get to work
I'll let hop up onto the roof and down
the hatch just wipe the remote and Gekko
you can hop up the tower and smash the
dish why aren't you doing it just
because you're the leader it doesn't
mean your ideas are always best and
you've managed to do everything your way
but but ah I wish I could stop jumping
being controlled is horrible wait I've
been controlling you and ignoring all of
your ideas now Romeo is going to control
everyone it's okay we'll think of
yes being a good leader means listening
to other people's ideas it's time to be
a hero and listen units
my sculptures ruined but I can still
save night ninjas and everyone else's
are too to be a hero
leave night ninja to me you go inside
and rescue the artwork super I was
wondering if you would lend it to me you
lend me a hand get it 


